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Near Miss Involving Backhoe on Jobsite
We recently had a near miss on a jobsite. We were dropping a dumpster for a contractor that was tearing a house down. Driver got unsite to do a switch and got out of truck to unhook the dumpster and the operator started to move dumpster with the excavator and the operator did not know the driver was unhooking the cable at that time. The operator assumed the driver was not unhooking the cable at that time and the driver assumed the operator would not try moving the dumpster around until he was done doing the switch.  Always make sure the operator sees you before you get out the truck and make sure the operator is paying attention before you go in any blind spots. Always make eye contact with equipment operators when leaving their field of view. ... » Read more
General Topic
Posted 01/13/25 08:09:02 AM

Hydraulic Tail Cylinders
We have had to replace far too many hydraulic cylinders for tails in the past year. Boxes are jumping off the rails and damaging the cylinder and then it starts to leak. It only takes a little scratch on the cylinder and it will eventually damage the seal and start to leak. Its about $2,750.00 each time. Please be extra careful when pulling boxes at an angle or boxes that are not level. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you are worried you are going to damage something. ... » Read more
General Topic
Posted 10/21/24 07:37:07 AM

Safety Chain on Dumpster
Always make sure the safety chain on the dumpster is being used incase the door pops open while you are picking dumpster up or driving down the road.... » Read more
General Topic
Posted 04/22/24 07:09:10 AM

Please make sure all your hydraulics and levers are working before you leave the yard in the morning. When it is really cold, run your PTO for a few minutes once you get to the jobsite while your tarping the box to let the hydraulic oil circulate and run the PTO on idle for the first round. ... » Read more
General Topic
Posted 04/01/24 07:57:10 AM

Hand Protection LCS
Hand injuries are serious. Protecting your fingers and hands is important for your work and quality of life. Work-related hand injuries are one of the leading reasons workers end up in the emergency room and miss work. Damage to the nerves in your fingers and hands, loss of a finger, a skin burn or allergic reaction, can negatively impact the quality of your work, your productivity – or worse – end your career and seriously detract from your quality of life. The cost of these types of injuries and illnesses to the construction industry is estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars each year.   Causes: There are many hazards on construction sites that can result in a hand injury, including: - Punctures, cuts or lacerations – caused by contact with sharp, spiked or jagged edges on equipment, tools or m... » Read more
General Topic
Posted 02/16/24 08:00:54 AM

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