Safe Following Distances

Whether you are operating within a construction site or on city roads, it is important you have a good understanding of safe driving distance (sometimes referred to as a safe stopping distance). Within the construction site, vehicles and heavy equipment may need to operate closely to complete a task. Safe distances will vary from site to site and task to task, so please make sure you are adjusting per the situation at each site.

On public roads, safe driving distance will vary depending on the road conditions. In good weather conditions, drivers are required to leave a minimum of two full seconds between them and the vehicle in front of them. In poor weather conditions, drivers are required to leave a minimum of four full seconds between them and the vehicle in front of them.

To measure safe driving distances, while driving, pick a landmark on the side of the road. For example a light post, electrical box, street sign, etc. Once the vehicle directly ahead has passed the mark, have the driver count upwards, starting at one. If their vehicle passes that same marker before they get to their safe driving distance number (example two or four), this is an indication that they are following too closely and should slow down to give more space.

Estimated time to read: 3 Minutes
Questions for this Topic
What is the minimum safe driving distance between you and the vehicle in front of you in good road conditions?