Safety Data Sheet Compliance Incentive Program for Drivers

Before using any hazardous chemical during your shift, look up the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) to familiarize yourself with the safety requirements for that product. Examples of hazardous chemicals are DEF, Diesel, Equipment Grease, Bake Cleaner, and Power Lube.

The link to access our Safety Data Sheets can be found at the bottom of the Daily Schedule each day starting on Tuesday May 16th.

If you are unable to locate the SDS in the Dropbox file, inform Tony Trulen for assistance. If it is confirmed that the SDS is missing from the file, the discovering employee will be eligible to choose a $10 gift card from a selection at the office.

Rules & Regulations

·         Product must have been provided by Lloyd’s in order to be eligible for incentive.

·         Incentives will only be awarded for materials that are considered hazardous and/or deemed a necessary addition by Lloyd’s Safety Director. 

·         Bonus incentives may be handed out at the discretion of the Foreman and Lloyd’s Safety Director for random knowledge checks when employees are about to use or are actively using a hazardous product on the job.

·         Types of gift cards available are subject to change and selection must be made from what is available at the time the incentive is awarded.

·         There is no limit to the number of incentives any employee may receive.

·         Rules and Regulations are subject to change without notice at the discretion of Lloyd’s Safety Director.

Estimated time to read: 2 Minutes