Step Ladder Safety Tips


DO’s . . .


·         Always inspect your portable step ladder before use, and take it out of service if there is any deficiency found that affects its safe use.


·         Make sure all four feet of the portable step ladder are set on a level and stable surface, and that both ladder spreaders are fully extended and locked into place before use.


·         Keep your ladder, your body, your tools and any materials at least 10 feet away from energized electrical conductors (or even further for higher voltages exceeding 50kv).


·         Always make sure at least one of your hands is firmly grasping a rung or side rail when you are climbing up or down a ladder. And be aware that just sliding your hand along a side rail as you ascend or descend the ladder does NOT constitute “grasping” the ladder.


·         Maintain your balance and center of gravity on your portable step ladder by keeping your belt-buckle between the two side rails. Reposition the ladder instead of over-reaching.


·         Always use the correct ladder for the job. Take the extra time to go out to the truck to grab a bigger ladder if needed. 


DO NOT’s . . . 


·         Do not lean a closed portable step ladder against a wall or other surface for the purpose of climbing, or stand on one that has been placed across objects in a horizontal position.  USE AN EXTENSION LADDER INSTEAD


·         Do not use a portable step ladder made of metal or any other conductive materials when performing any task or working in an area where you, your tools or materials, or the ladder could make contact with energized electrical conductors or equipment.


·         Never stand on the top cap of a regular portable step ladder, or on the top step. Use the correct ladder for the job. 

Please share with the crew any experiences you guys have had with ladders and any additional safety tips.



Estimated time to read: 5 Minutes
Questions for this Topic
Should you stand on the top step or cap of a step ladder?
True or False, you can lean a step ladder up against something and use it
How far should you make sure your ladder, body, and tools are away from an energized power line?