Things Truck Drivers Do That Get Them Pulled Over

Following too close. When considering the perception and reaction time of 1.5 seconds, less than 2 seconds exists for the driver to see, acknowledge, and act by steering or braking to avoid a crash.  When trucks are following less than a truck length behind another, it’s obviously too close and an easy traffic stop. 

Speeding. Most CMV officers would prefer to have a reason for a CMV stop, rather than random inspections if that is allowed in their jurisdiction. Speed is rather easy to find and typically coupled with the above following too close.  Again, many stops may just be a warning but the driver gave reason for the traffic stop and now it’s an opportunity to review the driver’s credentials and the vehicle's equipment.

Lane deviations. Not all lane deviations are unsafe or prohibited by state traffic laws, but for those that are in violation it’s an easy stop.  For the others significant deviations raise reasonable concerns relating to the driver’s possible illness, fatigue, or impairment.

Inattentiveness. Most officers have observed a truck which was approaching a lane closure or traffic stop at a high speed. At the last moment the driver finally takes the aggressive crash avoidance actions. I have had to “drive out of the way” to prevent a collision even with red/blue lights activated and the siren blaring to garner attention.  These drivers are of high concern to be stopped for illness or fatigue.

Improper Load Securement. This violation literally stares the officer in the face. When equipment is loaded on a trailer it’s clearly in plain view and securement methods, number of devices, and general condition can be readily observed.  Any observed deficiency will result in a traffic stop.

Use of handheld phone.

Lighting Violations. Many of the observed lighting violations could easily be avoided with a proper pre-trip and post-trip inspection. In winter a person who has an inoperative headlamp could give it a slight tap and it’s now working but of course we all know it’s very temporary and certainly not a proper repair.

Improper Registration or Credential Display. Although this is not a safety violation it is a reason to stand out and initiate a traffic stop. Make sure your license plate and DOT numbers are legible.

Failure to obey official traffic signs or signals. Similarly related to overweight violations is overlooking posted signs for weight limitations. Forfeitures where weight violations exist can be staggering, particularly if special weight postings are disregarded.

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