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Refueling Equipment
When you hear this request at a service station, you can be pretty sure the job will be done safely.  Service station operations and equipment are designed with safety in mind. But what happens when you fill up that front-end loader or portable generator on the job? Do you do it the safe way so you won't get hurt?  RULES TO REMEMBER Never smoke during refueling operations. And don't refuel near an open flame. Keep a C02 (carbon dioxide), or an ABC Dry Chemical extinguisher handy, just in case.  If there's a chance of a vehicle rolling while being refueled, chock the wheels. Before filling the fuel tank, shut off the engine. ... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:17:19 AM

Public and Property Protection
It is important to protect yourself and coworkers from injury.  It's equally important to protect the general public and surrounding  property from injuries or property damage. Keeping as much distance between the public and job activities by using barricades, temporary fencing, caution tape is a good way to help prevent incidents.  Keep equipment, dumpsters, and kettles away from building entrances, windows, sidewalks and streets.  Erect a canopy or covered walkway for entrances and sidewalks next to the building if foot traffic cannot be redirected.  Parked cars are some times damaged by our activities on the roof.  Be aware of wind direction and if coatings or debris are being blown off the roof.  Items on the roof should be secured, especially during non work hours, so they do not become airborne and land on cars or th... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:16:40 AM

PPE Dont Get Burned
As roofers, we are exposed to several types of burns.  Not too many roofs are shaded so we are always exposed to sunburns which can be a discomfort and may cause skin cancer.  We work with motorized equipment and propane fuel torches.  And we have to move and apply hot asphalt and coal tar pitch. Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is one way to guard against getting burned.  Our work clothing should consists of a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves down and cuffs buttoned,  long pants with no cuffs, gloves (leather or cotton) with the cuffs of the gloves tucked under the buttoned cuffs of your shirt and heavy sole boots with over the ankle leather protection. What about eye and face protection?  Safety glasses or goggles should be wo... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:16:24 AM

Power Line Contacts in Construction
Each year, fifty-five construction workers are killed by electrocution from contact with overhead power lines. Over 90 percent of the contacts involved overhead distribution lines. These are the same lines that run in the alleys behind our houses and through our job sites. There are distinct patterns to these fatalities. The most obvious is apathy. We all grew up around power lines. Since they are so common to us, they seem harmless. This serious mistake is fueled by two common misconceptions: the belief that some overhead lines don't carry enough power to kill, and the belief that power lines are well-insulated. Both are dead wrong. The leading category of contact involves heavy equipment--cranes, drilling rigs, concrete pumps, aerial buckets, and backhoes. Of all heavy equipment contacts, cranes--either mobile or b... » Read more
What are two of the leading contacts with overhead power lines? Roofing
Posted 03/24/15 10:15:02 AM

Portable Electric Tools
Each year many workers on construction sites suffer electric shock using portable electrical tools and equipment. The nature of the injuries, including those caused by ground faults, ranges from minor injuries to serious secondary injuries. There also is the possibility of electrocution.  A secondary injury occurs when a worker recoils from an electric shock and, as a result, sustains an injury. Depending largely on the surrounding physical conditions, such an accident can result in a bruise, a broken bone, or a fatal fall.  HOW ELECTROCUTION OCCURS Electrocution occurs when the shock current exceeds 70 mill amperes, or there  about, causing ventricular fibrillation of the h... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:14:18 AM

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