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Goggles and Gloves
Goggles There is nothing new about wearing goggles for eye protection. Every job is using them to a greater or lesser degree. But the question always arises as to who should not be asked to wear eye protection. There is no job throughout construction that does not carry a potential eye hazard. In analyzing eye injury cases, it is found that the most common are caused from foreign bodies in the eye, flying objects, dust, and horseplay. The jobs include office workers, laborers, operators, warehousemen, millwrights, drivers, mechanics, carpenters, and so on down the line. Actual reported cases describe accidents in which a laborer was cleaning out one thing or another when some of the contents of a chemical nature splashed in his eyes and resulted in the loss of h... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:08:19 AM

Gasoline is so commonly used and easily obtained that people forget how dangerous it is. Consequently, many persons are killed or injured every year because of not handling gasoline safely. Keep in mind the points we will discuss today, whether you're using gasoline at home or on the job. Gasoline is manufactured to be used only as a motor fuel. In this way, it can be a useful product. But when used in other ways, it can be deadly.   HAVE YOU EVER DONE THIS? Have you ever used gasoline to clean your hands or to wipe off a piece of equipment? Have you ever spilled gasoline while fueling an engine? Have you ever started a fire with gasoline or smoked while filling a container? All of us at one time or another have violated these and other safety rules when usin... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:07:44 AM

Construction Safety Floor Openings
Unprotected holes in the floor, deck, or roof have been responsible for a number of very serious injuries. Yet, through planning and personal attention, falls through openings under foot are very easy to prevent. 1. If you make a hole, guard it. Before cutting the hole, barricade the work area to keep people out. 2. If the hole must be open, install permanent barricades around the perimeter. Like railings around the edge of a building or stairwell, these should be a minimum of forty-two inches high, have a mid-rail and be capable of withstanding a 200 pound load. Toe boards are recommended at all times and are required if anyone is going to work under the hole.... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:06:35 AM

Eye Protection
A carpenter asked his insurance company to pay for damage to his glass eye. It had been broken when a nail he was driving flew up and struck it. When asked how he had lost his own eye in the first place, he replied: "The same way, a nail hit it."   A world of darkness awaits this man if a nail strikes his remaining good eye. He has yet to appreciate the need for eye protection. You, yourself, may find it difficult to get accustomed to wearing eye protection, but would getting accustomed to wearing a glass eye be any easier?  A SIGHT SAVER FOR YEARS Eye protection has been used in the construction industry since 1910.And, undoubtedly, many workers have escaped serious eye injury because of it. You may personally kn... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:06:10 AM

Extension Ladder Setup
There are several types of ladders in the construction industry.  Extension, step and job made ladders are what we see and use most of the time.  No matter what type, ladders with broken or missing rungs, damaged side rails, defective construction or improperly set up should not be used.  Let's review some important points when setting up and using extension ladders. If the extension ladder is in good condition, make sure the latches secure properly and the slip resistant feet are present.  Get help to move heavy ladders and don't raises it until you check for any overhead power lines,  check the surface the ladder will rest on  to be sure it's stable and that the ladder is not near vehicle or equipment traffic or too close to the kettle.  Don't rest it on gutters, glass, or weak supports.  Extend the ladder at... » Read more
Posted 03/24/15 10:05:55 AM

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